2015 Free State Open
It was blowing a gale with added gusts when the brave souls ventured onto the fields to
shoot doubles on Friday afternoon. Mike Stasio took the event. Collin Laster won AA, Jeff Fleischut A, Anthony Swyka B and
Joe Weinbrecht D.
The weather was nicer, although a touch cool, when we got underway on Saturday. Sam Armstrong, Mark
Gay and Adam Linetty were all straight with Sam outshooting the other two for the 12 gauge championship. Class winners were:
Mark Gay AA; Howard Matthews A; Bob Cavagna B; Dan Pardoe C; Dave Collins D; and Joe Weinbrecht E.
After a lunch break,
the 28 gauge event took place. There were three 99s with Mike Stasio besting Jason Wennett and Mark Gay for the championship.
Class winners were Wennett AA; Jeff Bird A; Barry Horner B; Dan Pardoe C; and Randal Horsley D.
Thankfully, dinner was
served inside rather than al fresco, with Chef Larry Seward preparing smoked pork butt and Sous Chef Jeff Andrews dishing
up the salad and sides.
Sunday proved to be the best day of the weekend with the breeze settling down and the day becoming
warmer as it progressed. Three shooters achieved straights in the 20 gauge event with Allesandro Vitale outshooting Mike Stasio
and Howard "Buttons" Matthews to become champion. Stasio won AA; Matthews A; Jay Taylor B; Randal Horsley D.
When the dust settled at the end of the .410 event, Mark Gay stood alone as Champion with a 98. Larry Seward was AA; Laurence
Patrusevich A; Dan Pardoe B; Kim Fleischut C; and Dave Collins won D class.
The HOA went to Mark Gay with a 394 for the
weekend. Sam Armstrong won AA; Howard Matthews A; Barry Horner B; Dan Pardoe C; and Dave Collins D.