The 4 x 50 scheduled for 3/28/2020 has been cancelled!
DuPont Fish and Game Association (DFGA) is a skeet and trap shooting club located in Millington, Maryland.
2020 will mark the 72nd anniversary of the Club's founding. The Club is centrally located just 70 miles from
Philadelphia and Baltimore. DFGA offers 8-skeet and 2-trap fields for shooting enthusiasts. The club is open
Wednesday, 10 AM to 2 PM and Sunday, 10 AM to 4 PM.
In 2020, DFGA will host the Free State Open on April 24-26, The Larry Seward
Memorial Shoot on May 22-24, the Eastern Shore Classic on July 24-26, and the Maryland State Championships on September 18-20
Each year, DFGA also hosts the Ground Hog Fun Shoot. In 2020, the
"Ground Hog" will be held on Sun. Feb 2nd.
All are welcome, both new and experienced shooters. The event fees includes 50 or 100 targets, lunch and prizes.
Please go to our "Upcoming Events" page for
club activities and shoot dates. Visitors are
always welcome and encouraged to participate in club events 
Awards & League Results
Cick here to become A Member
Welcome New Members
Fred's Firearms, LLC
Du Pont Fish & Game Association
33430 Walnut Tree Road
Millington MD 21651